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Vote on my next anthology story! :)

I've got a few multi-author anthologies coming out later this year, both with all new, original stories from each of the authors. If you have a story / series where you'd like to see a new novella, let me know! At least let me know which series you'd prefer, and leave comments below, if you have something specific in mind. :)

Thanks so much!

Which series needs a new (original) story?



  • ANGELS IN L.A. Series


8 Kommentare

Debbie Turk
Debbie Turk
26. Juli 2022

I'd love to hear from Jon and Wreng. We haven't heard anything about them since the series ended!😔

I would also love an introduction to your new Seer Wars and Demon Thief series.😁

After the reminder of the Alien Apocalypse, which I loved. I wouldn't say no to an update from that world either.🙏

So it looks like I'm greedy!🙈😂 You could always do a couple of prologue's or epilogue's for your newsletter readers!😉😁🌟

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JC Andrijeski
JC Andrijeski
26. Juli 2022
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No, it's actually not Quentin Black. I'm not sure if I should say, lol... but I can tell you it's not the QB series. :) (although there may be some crossover at some point!)

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Heather Rhodes
Heather Rhodes
26. Juli 2022

I would love more about the Seer world. Backstory, maybe? Or the Morph home world - I’m always pushing for more Morph

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JC Andrijeski
JC Andrijeski
26. Juli 2022
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I can't wait to get working on the revised Morph books! I hadn't actually considered doing a story in that world, but I like that idea! :)

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Nancy Redwine
Nancy Redwine
19. Juli 2022

It would be nice to hear from some old friends. but then again any story will be enjoyable

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JC Andrijeski
JC Andrijeski
19. Juli 2022
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Very cool - thanks so much for weighing in. I'm kind of on the fence too, that's why I thought it would be fun to hear from other people. 😃

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