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New Look for SEER WARS :)

Hey, so I wanted to write a quick note on here, since I finally got a chance to flip to the new covers I've had planned for my ongoing serial, SEER WARS. I wanted to wait until I had covers for at least the current two seasons I have out before I made the switch. I really wanted to change everything all at once, so it would be less confusing.

So... ta da!

Here are the two new covers:

New covers for SEER WARS, Seasons 1-2

You might have noticed that the names of the seasons were changed as well (now that I have a better idea of the longer arc).

So the season names are now:

SEASON 01: A NEW EARTH (used to be "Alien Wolf") SEASON 02: A NEW ENEMY (used to be "Earth Queen") SEASON 03: A NEW APOCALYPSE (not yet in progress)

I wanted to mention a few more things as well, since I'm going to be working on the novel versions of SEASON 01: A New Earth this year.

THING ONE: Each season is way too long for a single book (Season 01 is over 300K words, and Season 02 is looking like it's going to go even longer). Therefore, you might notice at the bottom of both covers, it says "Part 1." There are likely going to be three parts for Season 01, and Season 02 may have the same or possibly more parts to it, depending on the final word count.

THING TWO: Each "Part" will have a different cover, if only to make them a little easier to tell apart. I'm going to use the graphics from "Part 1" as the Vella cover for the whole season though, and as the cover for the serial version more generally.

So below are the square, text-free covers that I'm currently using on Kindle Vella. I have slightly different versions for Radish that also have no text.

New Vella Covers (no text) for both seasons of SEER WARS

The covers I'm using for Kindle Vella ^^^

THING THREE: The novel versions will likely be significantly different from the serial, so a head's up on that. Some of that is simply the difference in format, since a novel is structured differently than a serial. Some of it is also because of how they were written. I really wrote these on the fly in a lot of ways, since it was the only way I could realistically fit the format into my overall writing schedule. With brand new episodes coming out 2X a week, the only way I could make it work was to write it as it came out... then do a clean up edit... then release.

So it's really like the first draft of a really long novel in some ways, only better edited (lol). I'm what they call a "pantser" writer - as in "writing by the seat of her pants," so outlines are pretty much a waste of time for me, since I never follow them. My way of writing is more to get into the characters' heads and let them tell the story. So I'll be cleaning that up obviously in the novel version, partly to fit the structure of a novel better, partly to weed out inconsistencies, but also because (like when I finish the rough draft of a book) I have a better idea of the overall story arc by the end, so I'll know what to expand on and what to edit out.

So just a head's up for people who weren't sure how I was going to tackle the two different versions... they will definitely be different! I can already tell that there will be a lot of changes (including expansions AND edits) as I pull together the larger manuscripts and start to look them over for Season 01.

* * *

And I think that's it on the serials for now! I'm really happy with the new look / covers / titles and I hope you are too! I think they fit the genre better and better reflect the tone and plot of the books, which is more "science fantasy with romance" than "science fiction romance," which had been the other covers, with the more standard SFR man-chest type branding.

I'm gradually realizing I've always written books that are more "romantic" than "romance," which implies a very specific structure (Romance books are pretty rigid in some ways in terms of how they are defined... at least to be "true" romance... and my stuff doesn't really follow that structure / format).

I hope the new covers make that distinction somewhat more clear!

For similar reasons, more new covers will be coming very soon for some of my other books / series. I'm currently working on the ANGELS IN L.A. series right now, doing a pretty deep edit and getting final page counts for the paperbacks before I begin to flip those to their new covers / branding as well. I'm trying to get as much done as I can before I got into surgery, but unfortunately it's pretty unlikely I'll get it ALL done before I have to take a few weeks to recover.

Speaking of which, I still have no final date on the surgery itself (sigh).

It MIGHT be happening this week, or possibly the week after. It really depends on when my doc can squeeze me onto the schedule. I'll definitely post something here and on my Facebook group (and in Patreon) once I know for sure.

Again, hoping you like the new look for everything! Thanks so much to everyone who provided such great feedback on these, especially in my Patreon group!

More fun stuff coming soon! :)

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